Prologue: hagiographies of the saints

On fasting
Holy communion
On confession
Spiritual father

St Clement of Ohrid and St Constantine Cabasilas
St Clement of Ohrid and St Constantine Cabasilas



Venerable Nahum of Ohrid the Wonderworker      1/5/2013

He was the disciple of the Saints Cyril and Methodius and one of their disciples who most zealously cooperated with these Apostles of the Slavs. Saint Nahum went to Rome where he became renowned for his great erudition and his gift of working miracles. He had an excellent command of several languages. With the support of King Boris Michael they settled on the shore of Lake Ohrid when they returned from Rome. While Saint Clement acted as Bishop of Ohrid, Saint Nahum founded a monastery on the south coast of the lake. This monastery ornaments the lake coast as the name of Saint Nahum ornaments the history of Slav Christianity and represents a source of miracle-working power and shelter for the sick and infirm. Numerous monks from all parts of the Balkan gathered around Saint Nahum. He was a wise teacher, unique guide of the monks, resolute ascetics, wonderworker and spiritual father. He relentlessly struggled in the translation of the Holy Scriptures and other church books from Greek into Slavonic. He worked miracles during his life on earth and after he had departed. His miracle-working relics overwhelm by the great many miracles, especially healing of severe illnesses, above all mental illnesses. He fell asleep in the Lord at the first half of the X century.