Hierarch’s Divine Liturgy
) “Let us realise, brothers, the power of the mystery, for the all-good father, when meeting the prodigal son, who in repentance for his sin ran to his father’s home, kissed him and granted again knowledge of his father’s glory, and made a mysterious feast for him, killing the fatted calf, so we could also take part in His joy - the one of the philanthropic Father who sacrifices, and of the glorious sacrifice, the Saviour of our souls.” (Sunday of the Prodigal Son, Vespers, stichera on ‘Lord, I Cry Out to You’) On the day when the Orthodox Church celebrates the assumption of the first of the Seven Holy Enlighteners, the Holy Equal-to-the-apostles Cyril of Thessalonica, in the monastery of Saint Clement of Ohrid and of the Holy Great-martyr Panteleimon at Plaošnik in Ohrid, His Eminence Metropolitan Timothy, together with the priests from the diocese of Debar and Kičevo, celebrated Divine Liturgy. At the Liturgy the Episcope Timothy delivered a sermon in which he spoke about the Gospel reading of the day – Christ’s parable about the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32). On this occasion he put a special emphasis on repentance, which should be the basis and foundation of the spiritual life of every Christian. In the sermon he also referred to the personality and the work of the All-Slavic Teacher and Enlightener, Saint Cyril. After the Liturgy, the Episcope together with the priests blessed the festive cake.